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Double October Myzone Challenges

With October upon us and the state (kind of, but not really) loosening the COVID related protocols for gyms and fitness centers, we thought this would be a great time for a Myzone Challenge to give our members a little extra motivation as colder weather approaches.
As luck would have it, the folks at Myzone are running a “Work Out to Help Out” Global Challenge this month too. So our October MyZone Challenge will actually be a “two-fer” for our members.

Myzone’s “Work Out to Help Out” Global Challenge gives you the chance to win $500 towards your gym membership, plus another $500 for a friend’s membership.
But isn’t just a “vanilla” challenge, and Myzone has provided some special messaging around this that we want to share with you:
COVID-19 has shaken the world. “Exercise is medicine” is not just a catch phrase; it is a scientific fact. The more we work out, the more resilience we build and the more physically and mentally able we are to cope with this and future threats from infection and disease.
Work Out to Build your Immunity – throughout the pandemic, most countries have been encouraging people to take part in daily activity. There is good reason for this. Regular exercise can help strengthen your immune system giving you greater protection against COVID-19 as well as other infections.
Work Out to Lose Weight – current evidence suggests that being overweight or obese increases the risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19. One study found that for people with a BMI of 35 to 40, risk of death from COVID-19 increases by 40%. This risk increases to 90% for people with a BMI over 40, compared to those not living with obesity.
Work Out to Improve your Mental Health – the COVID-19 pandemic not only affects people’s physical health, it is also having a detrimental impact on their mental health. Lockdown restrictions, loneliness and a global recession are only set to exacerbate the problem. Physical activity is proven to boost both physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Work Out To Help Out Your Club - Forced closures are creating huge financial challenges for fitness facilities around the world. Many have already had to wave a white flag and close their doors forever. Facility owners who have reopened their gyms have worked incredibly hard to make their workout spaces safe. There is no evidence to suggest that gyms are any less safe than other environments such as shops, cinemas, restaurants etc when it comes to the spread of COVID-19. So, put your gym gear on and go work out at your club! Right now, your club needs you.

Our Chatham Works “October Bullseye Challenge” is structured to motivate and reward all participants, but especially those who either are just getting back into the swing of things, or who need a little extra kick in the pants.
We love our Myzone diehards for many reasons, and one is that we know they’re going to put in the work regardless. (Frankly sometimes we wonder if perhaps some of you might actually be over-doing it, and there’s actually a lot of evidence that overtraining can be detrimental to your immune system.)
But we also know that some of us need a little extra inspiration at times, and especially if you’re just coming back into the gym after being gone for a while. So here’s how it’s going to work …
You need to earn at least 1,000 MEPs (Myzone Effort Points) during the month to earn a ticket to our month-end prize drawing.
Here’s where it gets interesting … tickets will be awarded on a “Bullseye” scale, as shown below.

Again, we’re trying to motivate everyone to hit at least 1,000 MEPs for the month, and to encourage all of you to be more mindful about avoiding overtraining.