Chatham Works takes pride in being a year-round business, and we strive to serve as a positive influence within the community.

Here are some of the local organizations we work with to help make the Cape a better place.


Cape Wellness Collaborativeis a 501(c)3 organization providing free-of-charge integrative therapies, nutritious meals and emotional support for anyone in our community facing cancer.

➔ Chatham Works offers Class Passes, Gym Passes, and Personal Training at a discount to CWC, who in turn offers our services free of charge to qualifying CWC members via their Wellness Moves program.  We also host an annual fitness fundraiser to benefit CWC.

Nicholas G Xiarhos Blood Donor Center

Cape Cod Healthcare's Nicholas G. Xiarhos Blood Donor Center collects blood and plasma donations to serve the Cape community.  All donations stay on the Cape to help friends and neighbors instead of being transferred out of the community.

➔ Chatham Works serves as a host location for regular blood drives.


Cape Abilities Farmis one of two innovative social enterprises established by Cape Abilities - a nonprofit providing jobs, homes, transportation, social and therapeutic services for people with disabilities across Cape Cod.  The farm offers organic and local food, flowers, gifts, art and more, and most importantly, cultivates a diverse and inclusive community for people of all abilities.

➔ Chatham Works serves as a pick-up location for the Farm's Produce Membership Programs.

Ochs wic

Outer Cape Health Services' mission is to provide a full range of primary health care and supportive social services that promote the health and well-being of all who live in or visit the ten outermost towns of Cape Cod.

➔ Chatham Works holds an annual fundraiser to buy ingredients for healthy Thanksgiving meals for local families, and collects Christmas presents for the children of families that are in OCHS's Women, Infants, and Children program.


Chatham Harvesters' mission is to rejuvenate the regional seafood economy while creating new jobs, ensuring a fair price to family fishermen, re-connecting consumers and regional institutions to locally abundant and healthy seafood, and promoting the long-term health of the region’s marine ecosystems.

➔ Chatham Works serves as a pickup location for the Harvesters' Fish Share Membership program.


Cape Cod Young Professionals' mission is to create a supportive community for young people living and working on Cape Cod.

➔ Chatham Works hosts CCYP networking events, and CCYP staff use our Coworking space as a satellite office via a cooperative arrangement.