Our Physical Therapy services provide our clients with a safe and customized path to returning to an active lifestyle.

Prehab for - or rehab from - a surgery.

Address a nagging pain that's keeping you away from your favorite activities.

Learn how to better manage chronic pain without relying on pharmaceuticals.

You'll start with a detailed Functional Diagnostic Consult to evaluate your needs, and a Treatment Plan to effectively address them.

Through 1-on-1 sessions, clients work with our licensed practitioners to rehabilitate, restore, and regain strength and mobility.

We have experience working with clients of all ages, from competitive college athletes to senior citizens.

Our number one goal us to help you identify non-surgical and non-pharmaceutical approaches that can help you manage and mitigate your issue issue, and a plan to get you back on the path to resuming your favorite activities.

But if we're not able to help - or if our staff believe that your problem demands a more intensive medical solution - then we'll tell you that too. Because our one and only goal is to help you find the best path to where you want to be.

Our Physical Therapist

Amy 2022

Amy Latham MS, DPT, E-RYT

Functional Physical Therapist, Yoga Instructor

Amy is an amazing Yoga Instructor and highly skilled Physical Therapist.

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For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact 508-469-0123 or or use our chat feature in the lower right corner below.

Not sure where to start?

We're here to help. Click the button below to contact us. To get in touch right away, call us at 508-469-0123, or text us at 508-709-1401.

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