Getting a handle on your nutrition and lifestyle habits should be your #1 priority in your approach to overall wellness.

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Our goal is help you form and maintain sustainable, healthier habits, driven by smarter decisions.

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Our approach is focused on working collaboratively to create a nutrition and lifestyle plan designed for you and your individual needs.

Everyone is different. So cookie-cutter approaches seldom work.
"Get-results-quick" diets invariably fail to deliver sustainable, long term results because they're impossible to maintain.
It's seldom as simple as just following a meal plan! Mindfulness, emotion, exercise, and lifestyle factors are a huge part of the battle.

Our Nutritional Expert


Mazie Hollenbaugh

Nutritional & Lifestyle Coach

Mazie's approach to consulting is focused on meeting people where they are, and helping them learn how making small improvements in the many decisions we make every day can lead to significant positive change.

How It Works

Step 1: Commit to achieving your goals

Demonstrate your commitment to achieving for your lifelong health goals by signing up!

Step 2: Complete the Questionnaire

Help us understand where you are, and where you want to be so we can create a plan that's customized for you.

Step 3: Deep-Dive Discovery Session

An hour long in-person (or video) meeting to explore your specific needs and goals, and start to collaboratively map out your plan and how we'll work with you to help you execute it.

Step 4: Plan Creation

We review and analyze all of the information you've shared with us, and create a Nutrition and Lifestyle plan customized for you.

Step 5: Plan Delivery

A half-hour in-person (or video meeting) where we present your plan, make final tweaks, and establish a strategy to help keep you on track.

Step 6: Start!

(You can do this!)

Step 7: Weekly Check-Ins

Weekly check-ins to review how you've done with your nutrition and lifestyle choices.

Step 8: Monthly Review & InBody Scan

Monthly 45 minute meetings where we'll gauge your progress via an InBody body composition analysis scan, discuss how you've been doing, and identify opportunities for improvement.

Contact us today for a FREE 15 minute meeting to learn more!

Mazie's standard availability for coaching sessions on site at Chatham Works is:

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 10AM to 2PM, Wednesdays from 3 to 7PM.

To get started, complete the form below, or inquire at our front desk.


Not sure where to start?

We're here to help. Click the button below to contact us. To get in touch right away, call us at 508-469-0123, or text us at 508-709-1401.

Get In Touch!